Different types of Italian Wills

Different types of Italian wills

There are three different types of Italian wills.

A Formal will (Testamento Pubblico), drawn up by a Public Notary on the testator’s instructions. Witnessed and deposited with Public Notary until testator’s death.

A Holographic will (Testamento Olografo), handwritten, dated and signed by the testator. No witnesses required. The testator can deposit this with a lawyer, Notary Public or keep it themselves until death.

A Sealed or Secret will (Testamento Segreto), handwritten by the testator, is placed in a sealed envelope and deposited with a Public Notary until the testator’s death.

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All three different types of Italian wills must be in Italian to comply with the Italian civil code. To avoid potentially significant difficulties following the death of a testator, we recommend engaging a lawyer to assist you with all Italian will formalities and legal requirements when making an Italian will.

Searching for different types of wills in Italy

For a Formal or Holographic will, deposited with a Public Notary. You can request it by presenting the death certificate to the District Chamber of Notaries (Consiglio Notarile distrettuale).

It is also advisable to submit a request to the Notary Archives Registry Office, in charge of keeping the deeds and wills deposited by the notaries who have ceased business. You can also consult the General Will Registry Bureau (Registro Generale dei Testamenti), whose headquarters are at the Main Office of the Notary Archives (Ufficio Centrale degli Archivi Notarili) in Rome.

The General Will Registry Bureau provides the possibility to find out if the deceased had a will or not, whether in Italy or abroad. You can also request the issuance of a decedent’s will through the Bureau, to the relevant entity of a foreign country that has adhered to the International Basel Convention. Other than Italy, the countries which have signed the Basel Convention are Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Turkey and Ukraine.

According to Italian will formalities, interested parties may request a subscription certificate, in the name of the deceased, from the General Will Registry Bureau, as well as the reference to the district notary archive where the will was deposited, in case the notary has ceased business.

The General Will Registry hold the following records:

1. Formal wills;

2. Sealed /Secret wills;

3. Special wills;

4. Holographic wills that testators have formally deposited with a Public Notary;

5. Memorandum of publication of Holographic wills, whether or not deposited with a Public Notary;

6. Withdrawal of Holographic and Sealed/Secret wills, that the testator formally deposited at a Public Notary’s office;

7. Suspension of previous arrangements caused by death, providing some had been made by means of a new will.


Because each case is different, you should seek professional support and advice.

At De Tullio Law Firm, we have over 55 years of expertise managing cross border succession throughout Italy.

Please contact us if you have any questions about making an Italian will or if would like to discuss your situation.

You may like to read more about Italian succession in our comprehensive guide on the subject. You may also find our Italian inheritance info videos useful.


EU Succession Rules Harmonise Cross-Border Inheritance

In 2015, the EU introduced new succession rules to simplify cross-border inheritance matters

To benefit from the new EU succession rules, overseas nationals with assets in an EU Member State need to take action in a will.

According to The European Commission some 450,000 cross-border successions occur in the EU each year. These are estimated to be worth in excess of €120 billion. Effective from August 17th 2015, to solve confusion and prevent disputes, the EU introduced new EU succession rules. These rules allow individuals across participating EU member states to choose which country jurisdiction to apply to the devolution of their estate.

Forced heirship

Many countries in the EU, including Italy, have laws governing ‘forced heirship’. Forced heirship rules are similar to UK Intestacy rules. However, forced heirship is applicable even if there is a will. The key point is that Italian forced heirship rules take precedence over a will.

In practice, this means that close family members inherit the deceased’s property regardless of the contents of the deceased’s will. This can often be in preference to the deceased’s spouse or partner. Sometimes, this creates conflicts within families who are unfamiliar with forced heirship cultures. Particularly  if the deceased had children from previous relationships. According to Italian forced heirship rules, these children must also inherit a share of their deceased parent’s estate.

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EU Regulation 650/2012 is also known as Brussels IV

The UK did not opt into Brussels IV when it was still a member of the EU. However, UK nationals with assets in EU countries that adopted the changes, which is all of them except for Ireland and Denmark, can take advantage of Brussels IV.

Brussels IV allows any overseas national who owns property in a participating EU member state to choose either the law of the country of their habitual residence, or the law of their nationality to govern succession of their EU estate. Or, if they have multiple nationalities, they can choose one of their nationalities to govern succession.

Electing a country law provides a way to circumvent forced heirship laws.

EU succession rules allow you to elect a country law in your will

If for example you are a UK national habitually resident in England with a holiday home in Italy. You can now update your English will with a choice of law codicil. This would cover the Italian property with an election for the inheritance laws of England and Wales to apply to it. It means you don’t need a separate Italian will for the Italian  holiday home.

That said, it is highly advisable to have either a bilingual Italian will or an official Italian translation of your English will.  Preferably, the translated version would be in the hands of a solicitor or notary. This will make things easier, less time-consuming and costly in the long run for the executor of your estate.

Before taking action, it’s important to understand all the implications of the EU succession rules

Before making any changes to your will, it is important to understand Brussels IV and all its implications. For example, Brussels IV does not impact inheritance tax.

As previously mentioned, Brussels IV is applicable to all foreign property owners. However, if you are habitually resident in Italy it is essential that you make or update your will in Italian. In your Italian will, you should clearly state which country’s law you wish to elect. Otherwise, because you are resident in Italy, the laws of Italy will automatically apply when dealing with succession. Again, it is important to understand the Brussels IV regulation and its impact.

Interestingly, Brussels IV does not restrict the choice of law to EU nationals. For example, a US national with property in a participating EU Member State could elect for US law to apply to the succession of their property; an Australian could nominate Australian law; a Canadian, Canadian law, and so on.

Finally …

As ever, the key is in the planning. If you want freedom of choice, you have it. Just don’t leave it until it’s too late!

Cross-border inheritance law is a complex matter. We recommend you seek independent legal advice regarding your personal situation. For more information about Italian succession and inheritance, you may find our Italian Succession Guide useful.

At De Tullio Law Firm, we have over 55 years of expertise managing cross border succession and estate planning matters throughout Italy. We are a full member of STEP, the world’s leading association for trust and estate practitioners. If you need advice, help or have any questions on cross-border inheritance matters, please get in touch.

Partition of An Italian Estate

Co-heirs and inheritance

An estate comprises assets and rights. Partition of an estate refers to the division of all the assets between all the beneficiaries. Where there are two or more heirs, this establishes a condition of joint ownership of rights and duties concerning an inheritance.

Each co-heir inherits a portion of the deceased’s estate. This allocation is either in accordance with the deceased’s will or, where the deceased died intestate, according to law. Likewise, in the same proportion, co-heirs inherit any debts the deceased left and take on any outstanding liabilities.

Each co-heir has the right to request the partition of an estate at any time unless otherwise stipulated by the deceased in a will. Importantly, all co-heirs, or their universal or successors (legatees), must take part in the partition. If beneficiaries fail to participate in the partition, it renders their inheritance rights invalid. This cannot be rectified later by absentee co-heirs.

In order to achieve partition of an estate Italian legislation provides three methods.

– Amicable (bargaining) partition

– Judicial partition

– Testamentary partition

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Amicable partition of an estate

An amicable partition is a contractual undertaking between co-heirs. Because the purpose is to convert co-heirs’ legitimate rights into individual assets in the estate, all co-heirs need to agree who gets what. At the same time, co-heirs need to ensure that the value of the assets (known as de facto quotas) equate to the value of the joint ownership quotas.

Judicial partition of an estate

Should co-heirs disagree regarding partition of an estate, each of them can refer it to a court. A judge will therefore rule how the estate should be divided. The process goes through these stages:

Formation of the inherited estate

This involves an assessment of the entire estate including any assets that the deceased gifted to the co-heirs. The entire calculation forms the partition of an estate to prevent any unequal treatment among the co-heirs.

Appraisal of the assets

An evaluation of all assets according to their market value. The testator may have nominated an executor or an organisation in a will, to conduct the appraisal. Where assets that need division, fall into the same category, it may not be necessary to value them all. In other cases, the estimate of individual assets is essential in order to create portions of value corresponding to the quota for each co-heir. By law, this would also be the case if the decedent was intestate.

Possible sale of indivisible assets

In order to make up quotas for co-heirs, it may be necessary to sell real estate property or to assign property to a co-heir in return for a sum of money.

Formation of the portions due to each co-heir

Following reconciliation of the whole estate, the court assigns inheritance quotas for each co-heir.

Assignment or attribution of quotas.

The court decides who gets what assets. Where inherited quotas are equal, assets will be assigned as lots. Attribution refers to asset apportioning if quotas are of unequal size.

Testamentary partition of an estate

A testator can stipulate in a will, the portions to assign to each co-heir, or can simply lay down terms in order to set quotas.

It may occur that the effective value of a testator’s assets does not cover the quotas stipulated in a will. Again, where a dispute arises regarding partition of an estate, co-heirs have the same recourse: amicable or judicial partition.

Finally …

Italian inheritance is a complex matter. In addition, if you own assets in more than one country, this can further compound the complexity. We recommend you seek independent legal advice regarding your personal situation. If we can be of assistance, please get in touch.

For more information about Italian succession and inheritance, you may find our Italian Succession Guide useful.

At De Tullio Law Firm, we have over 55 years of expertise managing cross border succession and estate planning matters throughout Italy. We are a full member of STEP, the world’s leading association for trust and estate practitioners.

You may also be interested in Legitimate Heirs. Rights of “Forced Heirs” in Italian Inheritance




Italian Inheritance Lawyer

How can an Italian inheritance lawyer help you?

The Italian inheritance process can be complex. Because it is essential to obtain the right legal advice, having the right lawyer on your side will be massively beneficial. This is especially true if you are not living in, or are unable to travel to Italy to deal with estate administration. If you are a beneficiary of assets in Italy, and you are wondering whether to accept your Italian inheritance, it is a good idea to engage a specialist Italian inheritance lawyer to support you. Because accepting an Italian inheritance is a formal process, it is worth seeking advice regarding the implications of accepting or renouncing an inheritance.

Engaging the services of a specialist inheritance lawyer in Italy therefore simplifies the administration of an estate. Firstly, a lawyer can help gather all the documentation relating to property, assets and/or land. Secondly, a lawyer can help speed up the whole inheritance process, from identification and location of beneficiaries entitled to the estate to tax payments and distribution of assets.

In addition, an Italian inheritance lawyer can help draft certified translations of documents, appoint a local notary and manage all required procedures with the relevant Italian authorities to ensure that assets are transferred to the names of the entitled beneficiaries.

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Furthermore, an Italian inheritance lawyer can advise whether there are any claims or rights on assets and/or properties according to Italian Inheritance law. A lawyer can conduct searches for properties, titles, deeds and records, obtain an appraisal or a survey of a property with the support of qualified professionals to appraise the value of the deceased’s estate and determine whether there are any debts and liabilities.

Dealing with legal matters after a loss can be stressful

The loss of a loved one makes families feel fragile and emotionally vulnerable. This is completely understandable. Dealing with inheritance issues on top of loss can feel very stressful. Having an attorney with legal expertise in Italian inheritance matters will help relieve some of that strain.

A trustworthy representative in Italy

A specialist Italian inheritance will be acting on your behalf and in your interests  throughout your case. This means that you can be assured of having a calm, rational, professional and trustworthy presence in Italy. You will also receive sound advice for all the issues that arise during the inheritance process.

Italian estate tax is complex

The Italian probate procedure is not always straightforward. It can be frustrating and time-­consuming. Your solicitor will be able to guide you through all the legal and tax issues that may arise.

A lawyer can help you gather proof

You may need to be able to prove your legal entitlement. Your solicitor will be able to provide legal expertise and help you to gather the necessary documents and evidence.

A lawyer can support you in and out of court

Most inheritance cases go uncontested. Because it reduces costs where there are claims, cases  are generally settled out of court. However, if your case does end up in court, having legal representation can be enormously advantageous. Having your own lawyer will ensure that all of your documents are in order, strengthen your legal position and add knowledge to your case.

If your inheritance includes a property in Italy. Think long term

It is essential to take advice on the succession implications of owning a property in Italy at an early stage. A specialist inheritance lawyer will have experience of managing all aspects which arise with cross-border assets or estates.

Finally …

Above all, engaging the services of an Italian inheritance lawyer will give you the peace of mind that your case is handled properly and that proceedings run smoothly and efficiently.

Italian inheritance is a complex matter. In addition, if you own assets in more than one country, this can further compound the complexity. We recommend you seek independent legal advice regarding your personal situation. If we can be of assistance, please get in touch.

For more information about Italian succession and inheritance, you may find our Italian Succession Guide useful.

At De Tullio Law Firm, we have over 55 years of expertise managing cross border succession and estate planning matters throughout Italy. We are a full member of STEP, the world’s leading association for trust and estate practitioners.


Power of Attorney and its legal implications

You may have often heard of “power of attorney,” yet you may still not know exactly what its purpose is.

To shed some more light on the subject, here are some basic facts on PoA. Along with the legal ramifications to purchasing and/or inheriting real estate in Italy.

What is a Power of Attorney?

A Power of Attorney – “Procura” in Italian, is a legal document by means of which “principal” gives certain powers to act legally on his/her to someone else: the “agent”. A “Procura” clarifies exactly what powers the principal gives to the appointed agent.

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What are the currently existing types of “Procura”?

1. In case of a “Procura Speciale” (Special Power of Attorney), the principal can give limited powers to the attorney/agent. If, for instance, you are purchasing an estate in Italy. However, you cannot be on-site on the day to sign the deed. You can bestow the power to sign such deed on your attorney/agent.

2. A General Power of Attorney (Procura Generale) entitles your agent to do almost anything you could do.

In what circumstances can you revoke a Procura?

Both Procura Special and Procura Generale terminate if the principal dies or becomes legally “incapable”. However, if necessary, you can terminate it at any time. This is done by means of the same legal document used to confer it.

What should I consider before appointing an agent/attorney?

If you are considering granting a procura, you should be extremely careful about whom you chose as an agent/attorney. You are delegating the very management of your affairs to someone else. Hence, it is extremely important that you entrust a reliable and competent person with this delicate task, preferably a professional. Conferring Power of Attorney to someone who does not have enough experience or that you might have a conflict of interest with is not advisable.

What are the legal requirements to issue a power of attorney?

A Procura is a formal document with many legal requirements.
Generally, the competent authorities carefully examine it before releasing it. The agent will need to sign the Procura in their home country in the presence of a public officer. 
The USA, UK and Australia have signed The Hague Convention of 5th October 1961. This abolished the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents. In any case, an Apostille Certificate or Stamp, also known as the Hague Apostille, is required as proof of authenticity. Ensure to check the pertinent procedures with the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the US Department of State and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.


A Power of Attorney is a very delicate matter. You are granting your rights and the handling of your affairs to someone else. Make sure to seek the help of a professional before drawing up a Procura.

Contact us today. We can help.

You may also be interested in Power of Attorney in Italy