Entries by georgia

How to get a mortgage in Italy

Can foreign nationals get a mortgage in Italy even if they are not residents? The short answer is yes. However, compared to foreign nationals resident in Italy, obtaining a mortgage in Italy is more complex for non-resident foreign nationals with an income from outside Italy. There are fewer options when it comes to lenders who […]

Divorce in Italy: How is property divided?

How is property divided in a divorce in Italy? This article explores Italian matrimonial regimes, or marital property systems, and how property is divided in a divorce in Italy. Matrimonial regimes in Italy “Regime patrimoniale dei coniugi” in Italian. Because matrimonial regimes regulate financial affairs between couples, matrimonial regimes may become a significant aspect in […]

Italian Inheritance Tax

Do beneficiaries need to pay tax on Italian inheritance? This is a question we are often asked at De Tullio Law Firm. The answer is yes. Beneficiaries need to pay Italian inheritance tax. Who calculates Italian inheritance tax? When you become the beneficiary of an inheritance you may have to submit a statement of succession, “Dichiarazione […]

Buying Property in Italy

The Italian property market Dreaming of buying property in Italy? The country’s rich heritage, magnificent buildings, cities steeped in history and regions with landscapes are as sublime as they are varied. This territorial diversity and widely different prices per square metre of property make the Italian real estate market very interesting. Property Prices The average […]

1 Euro Houses in Italy

1 Euro houses in Italy: too good to be true? In recent years, to combat dwindling populations in rural areas of Italy, a number of Italian villages, have been launching charm offensives by putting a number of houses up for sale for the symbolic sum of 1 Euro. The aim of local municipalities is to […]

Cadastral and Zoning Compliance in Italy

Italian Property: The importance of cadastral (land registry) and zoning compliance We often meet people who find themselves in trouble because they didn’t seek legal advice about cadastral and zoning compliance when they bought their Italian property. It is not uncommon to discover – some time after buying an Italian property, that the property is […]