Tiny House in Italy. What Are The Rules?
Living in a tiny house in Italy
Recently, tiny houses, also known as mini houses, have been appearing on the Italian property market. Purchasing or building a tiny house in Italy may represent an affordable, energy saving and eco-sustainable way of owning property. However, there are legal aspects to consider with the purchase or construction of a tiny house.
Tiny House: Italian norms, regulations and permits
Before purchasing or building a tiny house in Italy you have to consider Italian normative regulations. These regulations differ according to whether you intend to purchase, or build, a mobile or static tiny house.
Mobile Tiny House in Italy
A mobile tiny house is a construction on wheels. It must therefore respect the Italian Highway Code. It may not exceed a width of 2.55m, must have licence plates, insurance and pay road tax. Furthermore, a mobile tiny house will be subject to regular checks by the Italian Ministry of Transport (Motorizzazione Civile).
In effect, you must be able to move your mobile tiny house from one place to another. You must be able to tow it on a trailer by a suitable vehicle such as a pickup truck or a large off-road vehicle.
You can site your mobile tiny house on your own plot of private land. It should have its own photovoltaic panels, chemical toilet and water supply.
Static Tiny House in Italy
For legal purposes, a static tiny house does not have wheels. If you intend to site a static mini house on your own plot of land, you will need to tether it in some way. You will need to construct a platform on foundations that conform with building regulations. This will require obtaining building permission.
Building a static tiny house requires a Segnalazione Certificata di Inizio Attività (SCIA). A SCIA application must be sent to your local municipality whenever you intend to carry out construction work that involves demolition, erection, restoration or extension of a property.
Finally …
If you are considering buying or building a tiny house, or any type of property, in Italy and you are unsure about some aspects of your purchase or construction, do not hesitate to contact us. Get in touch: info@detulliolawfirm.com
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