Entries by georgia

Illegal Construction in Italy (abuso edilizio)

Do you own an Italian property that completely or partially lacks planning permission? Illegal construction in Italy is not uncommon. The Office for Italian Statistics (ISTAT), estimates that nationally, some 20% of Italian properties are completely illegal builds. On top of these statistics, many properties are partially illegal. For example, an outbuilding or extension that doesn’t have […]

Elective Residence Visa for Italy

An Elective Residence Visa allows non-EU citizens to reside in Italy You should submit your application for an Elective Residence Visa (ERV) to the Italian embassy or consulate in your home country. For example, U.S. citizens can apply to the Italian consulates in New York, Miami, San Francisco. Canadians should apply to the Italian consulates […]

Flat Tax Scheme in Italy

The Italian Budget Law for 2019 introduced a flat tax regime Set at 7%, the flat tax scheme in Italy aims to attract foreign and Italian nationals living abroad. Individuals with an income from a foreign pension, or other source from abroad, can benefit from the scheme. In order to take advantage of the flat […]

Usucapione (Adverse Possession) in Italy

What is Usucapione? Usucapione (Adverse Possession) is a legal method of acquiring ownership of an Italian property. There are two essential elements to  usucapione. Firstly, material possession of the asset, acting as the owner (as opposed to someone who received the right of use from the owner, e.g., by  means of a contract). Secondly, the passage of […]

Italian Elective Residence Visa (ERV) Refused – Case Studies

Applying for an Italian elective residence visa There are two main requirements when applying for an Italian elective residence visa (ERV). Firstly, the availability of a dwelling, which an applicant has elected as their residence in Italy. This can either be an applicant’s own Italian property or a rental property with a tenancy agreement. Secondly, […]

EU Property Regime Rules. Marriages & Partnerships

EU property regime rules for cross border marriages and registered partnerships According to the European Commission, there are about 16 million couples in the EU living in a “cross border situation”. These international couples are citizens and/or, own properties in different EU Member States. Until 2019, no EU property regime rules existed for cross border marriages […]