Entries by georgia

Tiny House in Italy. What Are The Rules?

Living in a tiny house in Italy Recently, tiny houses, also known as mini houses, have been appearing on the Italian property market. Purchasing or building a tiny house in Italy may represent an affordable, energy saving and eco-sustainable way of owning property. However, there are legal aspects to consider with the purchase or construction […]

COVID-19: Effects on Italian property prices

Three main impacts of COVID on the Italian property market but the outlook is optimistic The Italian property market has taken a hit from the COVID health and economic crisis. Wide-ranging central bank and government policies and stimulus packages are supporting the economy. As emergency restrictions ease, the outlook is optimistic. The impact of COVID-19 […]

What is an Attestato di Prestazione Energetica

What is an Attestato di prestazione energetica (Italian Energy Performance Certificate)? If you are purchasing a property in Italy, an Italian Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) –  Attestato di Prestazione Energetica (APE)  is an essential document. In Italy, only an accredited engineer or surveyor can issue an EPC. As well as describing various aspects of the […]

Biometric Residency Card for UK Nationals Living in Italy

What is the biometric residency card? The Italian government has introduced a biometric residency card for UK nationals and their family members resident in Italy. If you are a UK national and were living in Italy before 1st January 2021, you have the right to obtain an electronic residency card. Family members of UK nationals who […]

Resident in Italy for tax purposes?

One or more of the following conditions makes you resident in Italy for tax purposes According to the provisions of Article 2 (2) of the Italian tax code, Testo Unico delle Imposte sui Redditi (TUIR), if you spend more than 183 days per fiscal year in Italy, the Italian tax authorities will consider you resident […]

How to get a mortgage in Italy

Can foreign nationals get a mortgage in Italy even if they are not residents? The short answer is yes. However, compared to foreign nationals resident in Italy, obtaining a mortgage in Italy is more complex for non-resident foreign nationals with an income from outside Italy. There are fewer options when it comes to lenders who […]