Entries by Giandomenico De Tullio

Italian inheritance lawyers. What is their role?

What are Italian inheritance lawyers? Specialist Italian inheritance lawyers assist with the execution of wills and the complex legal procedures relating to Italian inheritance issues. How can Italian inheritance lawyers help? Engaging the services of a specialist inheritance lawyer in Italy simplifies the administration of an estate. This includes gathering all the documentation relating to […]

Married Couples And Registered Partners in Italy

Regime patrimoniale coniugale This article deals with the issue of the choice of law ruling the economic relationship between foreign married couples and registered partners in Italy. Italian law no. 218 of 1995 contains an amendment reforming international private law determining applicable law to matrimonial regimes in Italy. Regarding the economic relationship between married couples, […]

European Certificate of Succession

What is Brussels IV? Since August 2015, a major step to facilitate cross-border successions has been the adoption of EU Regulations which make it easier for people to handle the legal aspects of an international succession. Regulation (EU) No 650/2012, also known as, “Brussels IV”. Amongst other things, Brussels IV introduces a European Certificate of Succession (ECS). […]

Searching for An Italian Will

Where there’s a will … Clients often engage the De Tullio law Firm team when they need assistance with winding-up an estate in Italy. Occasionally, we receive instruction to administer an estate where executors or beneficiaries have been searching for an Italian will, but are unable to locate it. Sometimes, there may be a copy, […]

Partition of an Italian estate. Inheritance Law

How does the partition of an Italian Estate work? In this article we explore the partition of an Italian estate. A testator’s estate comprises assets and rights. Whenever there is more than one heir in an Italian will, this triggers a condition of joint-ownership of rights and duties. The co-heirs receive the estate in accordance with […]

Italian Inheritance. Why draft an Italian Will?

If the deceased was resident in Italy at the time of death, Italian Inheritance law applies to the deceased’s worldwide assets. Whereas if the deceased lived outside Italy, Italian inheritance law is only applicable to assets in Italy. Are international wills valid for an Italian inheritance? Generally speaking, Italy recognises the validity of international wills. However, […]

Off-Plan Property in Italy. The Italian Law

The main risk with off-plan property purchases in Italy Another in our series on the important issue of off-plan property purchases in Italy. Use our useful search tool to find our other articles on off-plan property purchases. Investing off-plan is where a purchaser makes a commitment to buy a property from a developer that has […]