Entries by Giandomenico De Tullio

Buying An Italian Property. A Short Guide

This short guide aims to cover the key elements of the Italian purchasing process For a more in-depth explanation, you may wish to read our comprehensive Italian Property Buying Guide. Buying an Italian property proceeds through 3 key stages: – Proposta irrevocabile d’acquisto (Reservation offer) – Contratto preliminare di vendita (Preliminary contract) – Atto di vendita (Deed […]

Selling Your Italian Property. A Short Guide

Selling your Italian property can be a difficult and lengthy process  To aid the process in the long run, it is therefore important to make things easier at the outset. Prior to selling your Italian property there are certain preparations that are worthwhile making. Preparing a sales package The first step is to gather all […]

Italian Tax code (Codice Fiscale) – A Short Guide

What is an Italian tax code (codice fiscale)? The Italian tax code or codice fiscale is an alphanumeric 16 character code generated on the basis of your personal information.  An Italian tax code is similar to a National Insurance number in the UK or Social Security number in the USA. It uniquely identifies individuals for Italian […]

Italian Budget Law 2023. Property-Related Measures.

Italian Budget Law 2023 The Italian Senate approved Italian Budget Law 2023 on 29th December, 2022. The Budget Law came into effect on 1st January, 2023. In this article, we outline the main budget and bonus measures pertaining to Italian property. Superbonus: anti-seismic renovations and energy efficiency improvements During the COVID pandemic in 2020, the […]

Posta Elettronica Certificata (PEC)

What is a PEC? PEC stands for posta elettronica certificata. It is essentially a certified email, which has a legal value, like a digital version of a registered letter (lettera raccomandata). Posta elettronica certificata guarantees legal certainty of the sender’s identity as well as the date and time the email was sent. A PEC also […]