Italian Inheritance. Why draft an Italian Will?

If the deceased was resident in Italy at the time of death, Italian Inheritance law applies to the deceased’s worldwide assets. Whereas if the deceased lived outside Italy, Italian inheritance law is only applicable to assets in Italy.

Are international wills valid for an Italian inheritance?

Generally speaking, Italy recognises the validity of international wills. However, it is advisable for non-Italian nationals who own assets in Italy to draft an Italian will.

Why should you have an Italian will?

Firstly, having an Italian will minimises misunderstandings and/or conflicts amongst heirs. Secondly, it facilitates legislative, linguistic and jurisdictional matters with the Italian authorities. Thirdly, having an Italian will can reduce estate tax and lastly, it simplifies the whole inheritance procedure.

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Where can I get help drafting an Italian will?

If a foreign national decides to dispose of Italian assets by means of a will in Italy, an Italian attorney, will be able to advise on all aspects of Italian Inheritance Law.  It is a good idea to engage the services of an Italian attorney familiar with both the Italian and the testator’s national jurisdictions.

Italian inheritance law stipulates that the testator must leave a certain portion of assets to immediate family members. This is known as, “Forced Heirship”. Forced heirs are the decedent’s spouse and/or children, or other parties to whom a testator cannot legally deny a portion of assets.

It is important to follow the Italian inheritance procedure accurately. Engaging the services of a qualified and experienced Italian lawyer is therefore highly advisable.

In order to draft a will in Italy, the testator must be at least 18 years old, of sound mind and the legal owner of the assets in the will.

How does the Italian inheritance process work?

Following the death of a testator, the first step is to have the will published. As with all major events in life, an Italian notary needs to do this. Next, a testator’s heirs or executors can proceed with Italian Probate. This involves making an declaration of succession “Denuncia di Successione” in Italian.

Probate must take place within 12 months of a testator’s death. The declaration of succession lists all the relevant assets for the Italian tax authorities who calculate estate tax. Italian estate tax rates are based on heirs’ relationship to the testator and the value of inherited assets.

Once estate tax has been paid, the procedure culminates with the transfer of inherited property in the Land Registry, “Voltura” in Italian.

Finally …

A new EU Law 650/2012, also known as the Brussels IV Regulation came into effect on 17th August 2015. Brussels IV contains a provision for individuals to make an election in their wills for the country of their nationality, or where individuals have multiple nationalities any one of their nationalities, to apply to the devolution of their estate.

Interestingly, there are also potential benefits for non-EU nationals. However, again, appropriate action in the form of a choice of law clause in a will is necessary.
Nominating a country law needs careful consideration. You should take into account matters such as foreign matrimonial regimes, usufruct, tax consequences, joint ownership structures and other foreign proprietary rights with respect to your estate.

Because each case is different, you should seek professional support and advice.

At De Tullio Law Firm, we have over 55 years of expertise managing cross border succession and estate planning matters throughout Italy. Our firm is also a full member of STEP, the world’s leading association for trust and estate practitioners.

Please contact us if you have any questions about estate planning or if would like to discuss your situation.

You may also be interested in How to write a Will

Italian Estate Administration

“I have inherited Italian assets from a deceased relative. How does Italian estate administration work?”

We received this question from a reader wondering how to proceed with Italian estate administration. We hope that you find our answer helpful. If you have any queries related to Italian assets or inheritance law, please feel free to send your questions to us. We are here to help.

How is Italian inheritance governed?

According to the law of intestate succession, if the deceased didn’t have a will, the assets are transferred to descendants following the principles set out by Italian Civil Code.

If, on the other hand, the deceased made a will, this should indicate wishes regarding disposal of assets.

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Types of will

In broad terms there are two types of will. Either an Italian will, which needs publishing and registering with the relevant Italian authorities. Or, a non-Italian will. In other words, an international will.

According to Italian inheritance obligations, an heir must first have an international will translated into Italian using a sworn translation in an Italian Court.

This can cause legal issues. A non-Italian will, especially if it lacks any explicit reference to the Italian assets, becomes subject to interpretation. In order to interpret the will, heirs need to engage an Italian attorney. This is because the Italian authorities need to ascertain whether or not the will is applicable to Italian assets. If the will does not expressly dispose of Italian assets, succession rights follow the rules of the Italian Civil Code.

Heirs need to accept or renounce an inheritance before Italian estate administration can begin

Whether the deceased left an Italian or international will, heirs have to formally accept or renounce their Italian inheritance. This can be done tacitly or explicitly.

Tacit acceptance is implied. It occurs if, for example, if the heir disposes of or otherwise has dealings with the Italian assets, thereby showing an intent to accept the inheritance.

An explicit acceptance involves making a deed using the services of an Italian notary.

Where an heir is unsure whether or not to accept or renounce an Italian inheritance, a third option, reserved acceptance, offers a possible alternative route.

Once an heir accepts an inheritance, Italian estate administration can begin.

Italian estate administration process

Within twelve months of the testator’s death, heirs or executors  need to file a statement of succession  with the competent authority, which is the tax office – Agenzia delle Entrate. The tax office then calculates estate tax.

Heirs or executors pay the relevant inheritance tax connected with the inheritance. The amount of estate tax payable depends on heirs’ relationship to the deceased and the value of assets each inherits.

The final stage of Italian estate administration involves re-registering immovable assets in the names of the heir(s).

Finally …

Trying to navigate the Italian inheritance procedure without the assistance of an experienced Italian inheritance attorney can be difficult, especially if you are abroad. We would recommend that you seek professional advice and guidance to manage the process sympathetically and efficiently. For more in-depth information about Italian succession, you might find our Succession Guide useful.

At De Tullio Law Firm, we have over 55 years of expertise managing cross border succession and estate planning matters throughout Italy. Our firm is also a full member of STEP, the world’s leading association for trust and estate practitioners.

If you would like to discuss your case, you can reach us here for a free consultation.

Off-Plan Property in Italy. Preliminary Contract Checklist

Investing in an off-plan property in Italy

Investing in an off-plan property in Italy entails a buyer commiting to buy a property from developer that has not yet been built or that is in the process of construction.

This type of investment hides a number of risks, the major one being that the developer goes into administration during construction of your property and you lose any money you have already invested.

Off-plan property in Italy. Checklist for preliminary contracts

Legislative decree 122/2005 introduced very strict rules concerning buying an off-plan property in Italy. Article 6 of the above mentioned legislative decree states that the preliminary contract for an off-plan property in Italy should contain key elements. A preliminary contract is a legally binding document. Before you sign one, make sure it contains all of the following items.

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A full description of the parties to the transaction

Not only the buyer but also the builder and/ or developer.

Property details

Identification details of the property including cadastral plot references.

Property description

A description of the property including outbuildings for the exclusive use of the buyer.

Building permits

Details relating to the building permit or application for a building permit. In addition, the law explicitly requires the mention of any issue associated with the building permit.

Technical specifications

All technical data relating to the building. The law requires a summary of technical specification in the preliminary contract. Full data must be in an attachment (capitolato). These specifications cannot be modified without the agreement of both parties.


Deadline date for when the construction will be complete.


Method of payment. Not only the total price but also a payment plan for deposits and installments. Buyers should only use bank transfers or other traceable methods of payment.

Bank guarantee

Full details of the bank guarantee. Buyers should receive the bank guarantee when they sign the preliminary contract. The guarantee should therefore be in place prior to, or at the latest upon signing the preliminary contract.


All mortgages or other types of loan for the development. Where a mortgage for the whole development is in the name of the construction company or developer, the company must divide it among all the buyers. Unless this is the case, the notary will not legally be able to sign the deed of sale.


A full list of the contractors involved in the construction along with proof of their identities.

Checklist for preliminary contract attachments

As attachments to the preliminary contract buyers should also have the previously mentioned full technical specifications of the property. This should detail all the construction materials as well as listing all the agreed finishes and fittings. In addition, there should be a copy of the plan submitted to request building permits.

What if the preliminary contract lacks one of the elements set out in art. 6?

A preliminary contract not in compliance with the requirements of article 6 may be null and void because it breaches Italian legislation.

Since the above mentioned legal requirements are set out in order to protect the interests of the buyer, only the buyer can object to the validity of the preliminary contract.

Finally …

There are a number of risks involved in off-plan purchases. We have written several articles  about off-plan property purchases in Italy. You can use our search tool to find more on the subject of buying an off-plan property in Italy.

At De Tullio Law Firm, we are property law specialists. We operate throughout Italy. We would always recommend that you engage your own lawyer to ensure that you protect your interests. Before signing any off-plan property-related paperwork, including a preliminary contract, you should seek independent legal advice. If you are unsure about any aspect of your off-plan property purchase in Italy, we are here to help.

You may also like to watch our info videos about buying property in Italy.

Off-Plan Property in Italy. The Italian Law

The main risk with off-plan property purchases in Italy

Another in our series on the important issue of off-plan property purchases in Italy. Use our useful search tool to find our other articles on off-plan property purchases.

Investing off-plan is where a purchaser makes a commitment to buy a property from a developer that has not yet been built or is in the process of being built.

This type of investment can hide any number of risks.

The main risk is that if the developer becomes insolvent, the buyer may well end up out of pocket.

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Guarantees for Italian off-plan property

Italian legislation provides a number of measures to protect buyers if the developer goes bankrupt. However, the onus is on the buyer to ensure that these protections are in place.

Guarantee on deposits

Law 122/2005 declares the obligation of the developer to offer a surety bond. This provides a guarantee to the buyer for deposits prior to the transfer of ownership of the property.

Furthermore, in accordance with art.1 of Law 122/2005, the developer must offer the surety bond at the latest when the preliminary contract.

All Italian off-plan property purchases must have a preliminary contract. A surety bond must be in place by the time buyers sign the preliminary contract. The developer must clearly reference the surety bond in the preliminary contract. If there is no mention of a surety bond, the preliminary contract is invalid unless, the buyer explicitly expresses that it should prevail.

According to article 2 of Law 122/2005 surety needs to be a bank, an insurance company or a financial broker authorised by the Bank of Italy. The surety bond guarantees the buyer repayment of all money paid as deposits.

In order to request an excussion of the guarantee, the buyer must first formally withdraw from the preliminary contract. A buyer’s written request to withdraw, together with evidence of deposit payments, is sufficient to activate the guarantee. Italian legislation stipulates that the surety provider should refund all deposits within 30 days.

Guarantee for building defects

According to art.3 of Law 122/2005 the surety bond also covers damages arising from building defects. This includes any damage the buyer discovers after signing the deed of sale.

Article 1699 of the Italian civil code covers building defects. The guarantee for defects has a statute of limitations of ten years from the finalisation of the building work in question.

Where the seller is a different legal entity from the developer of the property

The seller is legally required to request a copy of the surety bond from the developer and provide this to the buyer. This is part of the seller’s contractual obligations and must be referenced in the deed of sale.

Finally …

If you are considering investing in off-plan property in Italy, our advice is to engage your own independent legal adviser. Bear in mind that a lawyer recommended by a developer or seller may have a conflict of interests in this matter so we advise you to choose your own lawyer. If you need any help, we are here to help.

For more comprehensive information about the Italian property purchasing process, you might like to read our guide. You may also like to watch our info videos about Italian property law.


Off-Plan Properties in Italy. Advice

This article was originally provided by De Tullio Law Firm to the British Consulate in 2011. While the article pertains to a Calabrian case, information is relevant to off-plan properties throughout Italy.

If you are looking for additional information about off-plan properties purchases in Italy, you will find a series of articles on the subject if you use our search tool, including a post here about your legal position regarding delivery delays.

Buying off-plan homes in Calabria

A large number of British citizens who have bought holiday property in Calabria have recently contacted the British Consulate in Naples. Many of these transactions have been completed to the satisfaction of the purchasers but, a significant number have run into difficulties with the lawyers involved or with the developers. The Consulate has drawn the matter to the attention of the Italian authorities who are investigating, but we strongly advise purchasers encountering problems of this sort to seek legal advice about obtaining redress.

Advice for anyone purchasing off-plan properties in Italy

Seek legal advice before signing a contract and paying any money upfront

Once you have signed a preliminary contract, it may be too late. Choose your own independent lawyer. We advise you not to use lawyers recommended by the developer or contractor so as to avoid possible conflicts of interest.

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Use an independent Notary Public

You do not have to use the notary proposed by the developer or contractor for the deed of sale. In fact, to avoid possible conflicts of interest, we would advise against this. Choose your own notary.

Remember that the Italian version of the contract will prevail in an Italian court

So, either commission the translation yourself from an independent translator or, get any translation you receive checked by an independent qualified person.


The amount you pay as a deposit for an off-plan development should be up to around 10%. Seek legal advice if you are asked for more than that.

Stato avanzamento lavori

As the building work progresses, the developer should accompany any request for further payments with a list of the work done (‘stato avanzamento lavori’). Ask an independent surveyor or architect to check the list before you make any payment. The preliminary contract should include a payment plan.

Surety and guarantee

When you buy an off-plan property, you should receive a bank loan guarantee. This must be an annex to the preliminary contract. If the developer becomes insolvent, this bank loan guarantee will often represent the only protection you have for your investment. If you have already received a bank loan guarantee, have a qualified professional check that it complies with Italian law.

Finally …

At De Tullio Law Firm, we are Italian and cross border property law specialists. We operate throughout Italy. If you are considering investing in off-plan property in Italy, please get in touch with us for a free consultation. We are here to help.

Adverse Possession Usucapione of Italian Property

What is Adverse possession (usucapione)?

Usucapione is similar to Adverse Possession. It is a legal situation which is connected with possession of a property. The possession of a property doesn’t happen by force or hostility.

Usucapione is a legal procedure which can give you ownership of a property in Italy without any specific title such as a deed of purchase or a will and without any agreement from the owner of the property.

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How does usucapione work?

The possession of whole or part of a property and or land must take place with public knowledge. Legally, after 10 or 20 years, depending on the circumstances, the possessor can obtain the legal title and become the legal owner of the property.

You can become the owner of a property belonging to someone else if you take possession of it and behave as if you own the property. At the same time, the real owner should have behaved as if they have no interest in the property. This could include implicitly allowing another party to use the property.  Typically this might be because the owner has moved abroad and neglected or not looked after the property.

Usucapione has the legal purpose of giving certainty to legal relationships. It privileges someone who, although they are not actually the owner, takes care of the property. The owner is therefore deemed as not looking after it and neglecting it completely.

It takes 20 years for a possessor to acquire Italian real estate assets in bad faith. This starts from the moment of possession. It takes 10 years to obtain possession of an Italian property in good faith. This period of time must be continuous with no interruption.

To convert the factual condition of possession into ownership, the possessor requires a court injunction declaring that usucapione has occurred. Parties may offer evidence in any way they like however, typically witnesses provide evidence of peaceful, uninterrupted possession over time.

Finally …

If you own property in Italy, which you have neglected for some time, it is advisable to consult a specialist Italian property attorney to prevent any risks connected with  usucapione or, if you would like to discuss a case, please contact us for a free consultation.

You may like to read more about Usucapione.

Italian Estate Agents. What Are Their Legal Responsibilities?

Italian estate agents must be registered

According to Italian Law 39/1989, in order to operate in Italy, realtors and real estate agents must register with their local Chamber of Commerce. Without professional registration, a real estate agent is liable to fines and other penalties. In addition, unregistered estate agents cannot request commissions on property sales and purchases.

Italian legislation also provides an important guarantee for the consumer. Real estate agents must have professional indemnity insurance. This ensures that in the event of negligence by the estate agent, the agent can cover the claim.

Italian real estate agents have legal responsibilities

According to article 1759 of the Italian Civil Code, the real estate agent must make certain disclosures to the parties if the agent knows of, or becomes aware of, matters which impact a property transaction.

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A real estate agent is not required to undertake any technical or legal checks and searches (due diligence) concerning listed properties. Nevertheless, an agent must disclose information according to the principles of a professional duty of care.

Under these principles, an agent must therefore provide all information that they have regarding a property. To withhold, impart incorrect or non-verified information about a property to an interested party is against Italian law.

Failure to exercise this professional duty of care could result in a contractual liability and trigger consumer rights including a request for repayment of any commission. In certain circumstances, the client may also request compensation for damages and/or take legal action against the real estate agent.

If the culpable silence of a real estate agent induces a client to sign a contract, which the consumer would not have signed had the estate agent disclosed full information, the real estate agent could be held liable to compensate the client for losses.

Italian estate agents’ commission

According to article 1755 of the Italian Civil Code, if a real estate agent helps close a property transaction, the agent receives a commission from both the buyer and the seller. Commission payments could arise as early as the signing a preliminary contract.

However, in order to receive a commission, the real estate agent must have played a decisive role in the transaction. Simply generating a lead is not sufficient to generate an agent’s commission.

The law does not stipulate, control or regulate rates of commission. In other words, fees are negotiable. It is always advisable to agree the commission in writing before signing a contract with a real estate agent.

Finally …

Property purchasers should be wary of signing any documents before fully understanding the legal implications. Italian law is complex and it is always prudent to have an independent lawyer look at any paperwork before you sign it.

At De Tullio Law Firm we have over 55 years of experience managing property transactions throughout Italy. If you need help, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We are here to help.

For more comprehensive information about the Italian property purchasing process, you might like to read our guide. You may also like to watch our info videos about Italian property law.

Building Defects in Italy. Who Is Liable?

A professionally drafted contract is your best protection against any faults with Italian construction work

Building defects include the use of shoddy materials, poorly executed work, deviations from an agreed plan or a request for additional money.

The best advice we can therefore offer before you enter into any arrangement with a construction, building or renovation company is to call your legal advisor.

A professionally drafted contract in both English and Italian will prevent a lot of problems, reduce stress and often save you a considerable amount of money.

A summary of Italian legislation covering building defects

The contractor is responsible for defects and unauthorised variation of construction work. If there are visible defects, you should not accept the work. If you do, you lose the right to claim on the guarantee (art. 1667, first paragraph of the Italian civil code).

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In order to formally contest the construction work, you should request your legal advisor to notify the contractor through a formal letter of default. If you accept work with visible defects and/or unauthorised variations of work, you will lose the right to trigger the guarantee unless the defects and variations were caused with malicious intent. A contractor is considered to have acted with malice if, despite being aware of the defects and/or variations, the contractor fails to point these out to the client.

Hidden building defects

The acceptance of work does not compromise your guarantee in the case of hidden defects. You can contest hidden defects when you discover them. A client will need a lawyer to take action in order to make a claim on the guarantee. 

– Report the hidden defects within 60 days of their discovery.

– Take legal action within 2 years from the completion of the work.

If a client does not comply with both of the above mentioned obligations the client will lose the cover of the guarantee. In cases where the contractor not only neglects to point out the defects but also acts in a malicious manner to hide the faults, the time limit for legal action extends to 5 years.

Fault of the contractor 

Once the client proves the defects and/or the unauthorised variations, there is a presumption of fault against the contractor. It is then the contractor’s responsibility to prove any absence of negligence.


According to article. 1668 of the Italian civil code, in the case of visible or hidden defects the client has 4 possible courses of action.

– Request correction with the contractor bearing the total cost.

– Request a price reduction.

If variations or building defects are serious the client can:

– Request the termination of the contract and,

– Request compensation for damages.

Responsibility of the contractor for new build properties

Article 1669 of the Italian civil code provides particular regulations for new buildings. For new builds, the contractor is liable for collapse (total or partial), evident danger of collapse or serious defects in construction.

Jurisprudence extends liability to renovation work which can be expected to be durable. This, for example would include roof waterproofing and floor and wall tiling. The contractor’s responsibility increases to a period of 10 years from the date of completion of the work. Any faults should be contested formally with a letter of default drafted by your lawyer to the contractor within 1 year of discovering them.

Italian Law stipulates that the client has one year from the recorded delivery of a letter of default to starting legal proceedings against the contractor. Once the client has highlighted serious defects, there is a presumption of liability against the contractor. The contractor must prove the contrary.

Examples of serious building defects 

There is significant jurisprudence defining the meaning of “serious defects”. In broad terms, the definition of serious defects is work that seriously compromises the use of the property or has a significant impact on essential structural elements such as stability, efficiency and duration of work. Here are some examples of serious building defects classified in Italian jurisprudence:

– Detachment and rupture of a significant number of tiles.

– Defects concerning the roof of the property causing infiltrations of water.

– Faulty heating system.

– Inadequate thermal insulation.

– Faulty plumbing system.

– Defects of the chimney or flue.

Inspecting construction work 

Article 1665 of the Italian civil code provides the client with the option to inspect completed work before signing-off on it. This right of inspection also extends to work in progress. We would recommend that you involve your lawyer and an independent surveyor in this process before accepting any work.

Article 1665 par. 4, states that where the client accepts the work at the point of signing-off without requesting an inspection or without contesting work, there is a presumption that the client has accepted the work. If the client accepts the work without any formal objection, this constitutes an implicit acceptance. As a consequence, the client loses the guarantee for visible defects or unauthorised variations. There is however an exception for malicious or undeclared issues. In addition, acceptance of work means the client must pay the contractor for the work.

Finally …

For problems concerning your Italian property renovation or construction work, please do not hesitate to contact De Tullio Law Firm. We are Italian property law specialists. We offer legal assistance throughout Italy. While it is always best to engage independent legal services prior to starting a renovation or construction project, contacting a lawyer as early as possible in a dispute can often lead to a settlement thus avoiding lengthy and costly litigation in the Italian courts.


You may also be interested in Off-Plan Property in Italy: Insurance And Guarantee. In addition, we have a number of info videos that you may like to watch.

Real Estate Transaction in Italy. Legal Translations

An accurate understanding of the Italian legal system is essential for a translator dealing with an Italian real estate transaction

All legal documents relating to an Italian real estate transaction must be in Italian, regardless of the nationality of the parties.

Italian legal writing is highly technical, ritualistic and often archaic due to close links with Roman Law. Legal language can seem obscure for people without a solid legal background in Italian law. 

There are huge differences between Common Law and Italian Civil Law. This can add to the confusion. In fact, there are legal concepts in Roman Law that simply do not exist in Common Law and vice versa. There are concepts bearing the same name in the two systems but with different meanings.

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An accurate understanding of legal systems and processes is therefore essential for translators or interpreters dealing with Italian real estate transactions. Translators require an in-depth knowledge of specialist terminology as well as knowledge of legal concepts. 

This is why you should never sign a legal document without a lawyer to explain commitments in your own language.

Italian versions of contracts prevail in a court of law 

Italian real estate agents often use pre-printed contracts with an English translation. In reality, these translations are rarely faithful and can often be misleading for the buyer. It’s important to underline that in case of litigation, the Italian version of any contract will always prevail in a court of law.

In the most crucial completion phase of the real estate transaction, you will have to sign the deed of sale in the presence of a public notary. The Italian law requires the presence of an interpreter if one or more parties does not speak fluent Italian.

Our advice is to make sure that your interpreter is qualified not only from a linguistic point of view, but also in terms of legal background.

Another crucial aspect to bear in mind is the independence of the interpreter in order to avoid any conflict of interest. This precludes using the real estate agent, a relative or a friend of any parties involved in the transaction.

Finally …

Engaging a bilingual property lawyer will ensure you have the right expertise throughout your Italian real estate transaction. Your lawyer will always make sure you have a full understanding of all documents before you sign them. In addition, a lawyer can act as your interpreter to explain all the legal ramifications. If you need any assistance with your property purchase in Italy, Please get in touch.

International Property Sales in Italy. Contract Law

International property sales involve a citizen, or company, of one country buying real estate in another country

The legal framework regulating international property sales in Italy is governed by Italian law and international treaties. Where there is a conflict between Italian and international laws, Italian law prevails when it comes to international property sales.

Article 51 of the Italian law n. 218 (31st May, 1995) states that a real estate conveyance is subject to the law of the country in which a property is located.

This is in accordance with the “Rome Convention” of 1980, now superseded by the Rome I Regulation (593/2008).

The Rome I Regulation has thus created a common choice of law system in contracts within the European Union. While Rome I determines which law governs contracts, it does not however harmonise the substance or actual law.

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Contract law

In light of the above legislation, signatories to a contract may choose the applicable law for the whole or part of a contract and select the court which will have jurisdiction over any disputes. By mutual agreement, the parties may change the law applicable to the contract at any time in accordance with the principle of freedom of choice.

If parties do not make an explicit choice of applicable law, the country with which the contract has the closest connection will prevail. Place of habitual residence, place of central administration, principal place of business or the location of a business responsible for performing the contract determine the closest connection to a contract.

International property sales in Italy. Applicable contract law

When it comes to contracts for immovable property however, specific rules apply. By default, the location of the property determines applicable law.

Consequently, if a property is in Italy and the sale involves individuals who are either resident in Italy or elsewhere, the transaction will always be subject to the requirements of Italian law.

The jurisdiction of courts in civil and commercial matters

EC Regulation 44/2001 lays down rules governing the jurisdiction of the courts in civil and commercial matters. Recognition of a judgment in any EU Member State is automatic. No special proceedings are therefore necessary, unless a party to the contract contests recognition of a judgment.

In accordance with this Regulation, for real estate transactions, the location of a property determines exclusive jurisdiction. In other words, if a property is in Italy, exclusive authority belongs to the Italian courts.

Finally …

If you are uncertain as to what your situation is, it is advisable to contact an Italian lawyer. At De Tullio Law Firm, we have extensive knowledge and experience of Italian and international law. For over 55 years, we have been providing specialist legal services for residential and commercial property transactions throughout Italy. Whatever your legal matter, get in touch with us for a free consultation.