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Accepting Or Renouncing Italian Inheritance

Inheriting an Italian estate

Under Italian inheritance law, beneficiaries not only inherit a share of the deceased’s estate, they are also liable for any debts. If debts exceed the value of assets, heirs may choose to waive their inheritance. In this article, we discuss renouncing or accepting Italian inheritance.

How does accepting an Italian inheritance work?

The beneficiary can accept to be an heir expressly or tacitly. In either case, the beneficiary must accept within 10 years from the opening of the succession process. 

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When the beneficiary declares to accept the status of heir they need a notarial or a private deed. 

When someone acts in such a way that the acceptance can be implied or inferred it is referred to as Tacit acceptance

The acceptance can also be reserved. This way, the successor reserves the right to accept or renounce an Italian inheritance until such times as they are able to ascertain whether debts or liabilities on the assets exceed the value of the property the beneficiary is inheriting. In this way, the heir is able to discharge themselves from paying any outstanding debts by renouncing an inheritance in favour of creditors and legatees.

Usually, an heir renounces an inheritance if the decedent’s debts exceed the value of the assets. The heir must pay the decedent’s debts up to the value of the property they inherit.

Renouncing an Italian inheritance

For the beneficiary to renounce an Italian inheritance they must make a  statement in front of a Notary Public or at the chancery of the court where they opened the succession procedure (“volontaria giurisdizione” section). The Notary Public or the court clerk then record a renouncement.  The beneficiary must renounce within 10 years of the opening of an Italian succession procedure.

Finally …

At De Tullio Law Firm, we have published a Guide to Italian Inheritance, which we hope you will find useful. 

If you are a beneficiary to an Italian inheritance, it is always advisable to consult a competent independent professional. A lawyer can provide information about debts and charges on inherited assets. A lawyer will also provide advice regarding renouncing or accepting Italian inheritance. This way you can make an informed decision about how to proceed. 

Each case is different so, if you would like to contact us for a free consultation about your Italian inheritance matter, please get in touch.

Parental Rights in Italy – Italian Family Law

In Italy, children have the right to a personal relationship with both parents

It is important to understand parental rights in Italy for those living or moving to the country. That way, if you have children, you can be in the best position to make decisions for the future.

All EU countries recognise that children have the right to a personal relationship and direct contact with both parents. This also applies if the parents live in different countries.

What about parental rights in Italy in the event of divorce or separation?

It is important to determine whether the children will live exclusively with one parent or alternate between parents.

If both parents live in Italy but are unable to reach an agreement, you may have to take the matter to court. A judge will then decide on living arrangements and parental rights. The court’s decision will consider the child’s best interests and determine your custody rights. It will also decide where the child resides.

In situations involving more than one country where, for example the parents live in different countries, the courts responsible for handling cases of parental rights are those in the country where the child is habitually resident. You can agree with your spouse that the court ruling on your divorce should also rule on parental rights.

Where the child has more than one nationality, the law of the country with which the child has the closest connection applies. Under section 19 of of Act No 1995/218, if the child has more than one nationality and one of these nationalities is Italian, the Italian nationality takes precedence. It is the nationality of the child at the point the case goes to court that decides this.

Parental rights in Italy: 3 types of child custody

1. Exclusive custody – one parent has sole custody and makes all day-to-day parenting decisions. The other parent has limited responsibilities.

2. Joint custody – gives both parents equal parental responsibilities and custody. However, in the interests of the child or children, they are likely to live predominately with one parent. In theory, this approach is the best for a child as they have access to both parents.

3. Alternating custody – means both parents can exercise their parental responsibilities within predetermined custodial time periods given. (This form of custody is rare).

Cases where the judge grants exclusive custody to one of the parents have become rare in Italy. Sole custody would require proof that it would be in the best interests of the child.  However, even in cases of sole custody, both parents will need to consult on major decisions relating to the child. Moreover, in cases where joint custody is applicable to disputing parents, visiting arrangements and a timetable will be established. Similar to exclusive custody cases, these arrangements give the parent that does not reside with the child or children limited access rights.

Marriage and registered civil partnerships

in order to determine parental rights in Italy, married or registered couples, will have been legally separated for six months and must have filed for divorce. They will need to go to court regarding both their divorce settlement and arrangements for their child or children. Following divorce, the child will live according to care arrangements determined by the court.

Unmarried couples and partners

In the case of unmarried couples, or estranged married couples, there is no requirement to go to court. Parents can simply agree between themselves on parental responsibilities and living arrangements. However, we strongly recommend seeking legal advice to formalise and record arrangements. Within the EU, a married father has the same rights as the mother. Where a couple cannot agree arrangements between themselves, the court in the child’s country of habitual residence determines parental rights and responsibilities.

In theory, both parents have equal parental rights and responsibilities for their child or children. In practice, however, where there is no legitimate reason otherwise, the mother’s home is more likely to be the main residence of the child.

Same-sex couples

On the subject of same-sex couples, a 2013 Italian Supreme Court decision (601) granted sole custody of a child from an earlier marriage to a mother living with another woman. The court declared that, “there is no scientific certainty proving that a minor cannot grow up in a balanced way within a same sex couple”. 

Parental rights in Italy in adoption cases

The Italian law has always stipulated that a couple must be married in order to adopt a child. Italian law 184/1983 governs adoption and foster care. The law, in principle, only permits married couples, who must be of the opposite sex, to adopt. According to the law, there are no restrictions on foster care. In a limited number of situations, the law provides for adoption in certain cases by a single person. In addition, some courts have interpreted this to include the possibility of unmarried couples adopting a stepchild.

From an inheritance point of view, no distinction is made between legitimate, natural and adopted children – all have equal rights.

Finally …

If you would like to discuss your personal situation, you can reach us here for a free consultation.


You may also be interested in Italian divorce law and EU regulations.

You may also like our info videos.

Testamentary Succession in Italy: Italian Inheritance Law

Close family members take precedence in Italian inheritance

Testamentary succession is determined in accordance with the provisions of a lawful will and the applicable rules of law

In Italy, the disposal of an estate occurs in compliance with the decisions of the testator as set out in an Italian will. Or, where the deceased was intestate, i.e the deceased did not have a will, in accordance with Italian inheritance law.

Italian inheritance law dates back to the Roman Law tradition. Because of this, testamentary succession in Italy follows the principle that a decedent’s close family members merit special protection. This therefore partially limits the right of the testator to dispose of assets entirely as s/he wishes.

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Testamentary succession and foreign wills

Following the death of a testator with an Italian will, the competent authorities register and publish the will. However, in the case of foreign wills, Italian law states that an Italian Public Notary must authenticate the will before probate can begin.

Managing testamentary succession documents drafted in a foreign language and subject to a foreign jurisdiction in Italy can present difficulties. In fact, a notary cannot publish or legalise a will drafted in a foreign language. The notary will therefore require an Italian translation. You will need to engage a court-sworn translator to translate the will. Costs for this may be substantially higher than drafting an Italian will in the first place.

Drafting a will in Italian minimises the risk of conflicts among heirs following the death of the testator. It also ensures that the Italian authorities have a clear and direct understanding of the legal framework.

The exclusion of certain heirs from testamentary succession in Italy

As mentioned above, one of the principles of Italian legal succession is the protection of the family. Whether you die with or without a will, you cannot exclude some heirs from the succession.

Italian law calls these forced heirs. They must receive a part of the deceased’s assets. This is known as the reserved quota. Italian Civil Code also determines what quota of assets a testator can freely dispose of, without limitation. This is known as the available quota. 

Forced heirs, reserved and available quotas in Italy

The table below  shows the reserved quota for forced heirs and the available quota dependent on relationship to the deceased:

Forced heirs Reserved quotas and availability
Spouse (or registered partnership) (in the absence of children and parents) 1/2 to the spouse (or registered partner) = 1/2 available quota
One child (in the absence of a spouse or registered partnership) 1/2 to the child = 1/2 available quota
Two or more children (in the absence of a spouse or registered partnership) 2/3 to children (divided into equal parts) = 1/3 available quota
Spouse (or registered partnership) and only one child 1/3 to the spouse (or registered partnership) 1/3 to the child = 1/3 available quota
Spouse (or registered partnership) and two or more children 1/4 to the spouse (or registered partnership)  1/2 to children (divided in equal parts) = 1/4 available quota
Spouse (or registered partnership) and parents (in the absence of children) 1/2 to the spouse (or registered partnership)  1/4 to parents (divided into equal parts) = 1/4 available quota
Parents (in the absence of children and spouse or registered partnership) 1/3 (divided into equal parts) = 2/3 available quota
If there is a Will, the law reserves a quota of inheritance only for the spouse (or registered partner) and children (if the deceased had no children there is a reserved quota for parents who are still living), so if the Will is valid, other relatives cannot make claims.  

Applicable laws

It is also worth mentioning that non-Italian nationals may be subject to the testamentary succession laws of their own country. If the deceased was resident in Italy at the time of death, Italian Inheritance law applies to the deceased’s worldwide assets. Whereas if the deceased lived outside Italy, Italian inheritance law is only applicable to assets in Italy.

For foreign nationals resident in Italy, the introduction of EU Succession Regulations, known as Brussels IVmay also impact how you manage your testamentary succession. 

Finally …

Italian inheritance is a complex matter. In addition, if you own assets in more than one country, this can further compound the complexity. We recommend you seek independent legal advice regarding your personal situation. If we can be of assistance, please get in touch.

For more information about Italian succession and inheritance, you may find our Italian Succession Guide useful.

At De Tullio Law Firm, we have over 55 years of expertise managing cross border succession and estate planning matters throughout Italy. We are a full member of STEP, the world’s leading association for trust and estate practitioners.  

You may also be interested in Legitimate Heirs. Rights of “Forced Heirs” in Italian Inheritance

Defects And Noncompliances in Italian Property Purchases

“Italian property purchases. What’s the legal position when it comes to defects and noncompliances?”

Over the years, De Tullio Law Firm has helped clients deal with all sorts of defects and noncompliances relating to Italian property purchases.

Take for example, a couple who arrived in Tuscany for their first holiday at their recently purchased dream property. They found the previous owner’s brother and family in residence. It transpired that the brother had inherited co-ownership of the property. He had no idea the property had been ‘sold’ from under his feet.

Then there was the American family whose entire kitchen ceiling collapsed one morning at breakfast. It happened a couple of days after they moved into their villa in Taormina. Fortunately, no one was badly hurt. They ended up having to take the previous owner to court. The collapse had been caused by a water leak that the vendor had hidden. After the fact, a surveyor determined the had been going on for some time.

There are many other cases where buyers end up in trouble. This is generally because the vendor has failed to disclose, or misrepresented crucial information pertaining to a property. Issues range from ownership, divorce and inheritance to planning irregularities and zoning restrictions. Then there are matters of outstanding mortgages, adverse possession, rights of way – the list is long.

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DIY conveyancing in Italy is risky

Many buyers, Italian and non-Italian, want to save money by taking a DIY approach to their conveyancing.

For most people buying an Italian property is a major investment and it entails risk.

Buyers should make sure they do their homework thoroughly. Some buyers, however, look to shave costs and cut corners here and there. Generally, this involves sacrificing professional advice such as engaging a surveyor or a lawyer.

Instead, many people rely on what the vendor or the real estate agent tells them. Both parties have a vested interest in selling the property. If buyers are lucky everything goes fine. If not, buyers end up with a property that later needs a lot of costly fixes and may even be unsaleable.

Always seek professional advice to ensure protection against defects and noncompliances

Contractual terms and conditions serve to protect buyers against defects and noncompliances. Where defects and noncompliances come to light during due diligence, the promissory buyer could terminate the contract for cause.

In the Toarmina case, if the family had known about the failure to disclose a known water leak, they could have terminated the contract. Or, if they had anyway wanted to proceed with the purchase, they could have either made the purchase conditional on the owner repairing the leak. Alternatively, they could have requested an adjustment in the purchase price to take into account the cost of remedying the defect themselves. The latter two options ensure a continuation of anticipated economic exchange between the contracting parties. In addition, they also represent a general means of protection for promissory buyers.

As a final point, article 1482 of the Italian Civil Code contains provision to protect a promissory buyer who, having signed a reservation offer or preliminary contract discovers, during due diligence, undisclosed financial charges on the property in question. For example, a mortgage, a lien, a court repossession order. In this case, a promissory buyer can request suspension of purchase payment until the property becomes unencumbered.

Finally …

For over 55 years, De Tullio Law Firm has been providing international clients with independent legal advice throughout Italy. We are specialists in cross border property, inheritance and family law.

We can guide you through the whole purchasing process or organise the whole process, including an Italian property survey, on your behalf. Get in touch with us.

If you would like further information about buying an Italian property, you may find our buying in Italy guide useful.

Always seek knowledge about the risks entailed in property investment. If you are a promissory buyer in need of support, guidance or advice, please get in touch.

Inheriting property in Italy. Preparing for The Future

Thinking long term about Italian assets

Do you, or your family, own Italian assets? Are you thinking of buying a property in Italy? If so, it is advisable to research and prepare for the future of those Italian assets. You may like to watch our short video on this subject.

Inheritance and probate laws vary from country to country. Italian assets will not be subject to the same laws as your assets at home. If the deceased was resident in
Italy at the time of death, inherit property Italy laws apply to the deceased’s
worldwide assets. Whereas if the deceased lived outside Italy, inherit property Italy
regulations are only applicable to assets in Italy.

The succession process following the death of a loved one can become complicated and stressful. When you need to consider assets abroad it can also become frustrating and costly.

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EU Regulations

In 2015 a new EU regulation came into force. Known as Brussels IV, this regulation aims to facilitate cross border succession. 

Brussels IV enables a testator with assets abroad to choose which country’s law will govern their will. In addition, it introduced a European Certificate of Succession (ECS). Heirs, legatees, executors of wills and administrators of the estate can use an ECS to prove their status and exercise their rights or powers in other EU Member States.

Brussels IV also offers potential benefits for non-EU nationals. Again appropriate action needs to be taken in the form of a choice of law clause in a will. For example, US nationals could nominate US law to apply to the succession of their property in Italy. An Australian with property in Spain could nominate Australian law. A Canadian citizen with property in France could elect Canadian law, and so on.

The country where the deceased was habitually resident determines the way Italian assets are handled

With or without a will, applicable laws and processes vary. For instance, in Italy, a public notary must authenticate a will before probate can commence.

If the testator did not draft an Italian will, a sworn translation of international wills is necessary. Because the testator is no longer around, a translation of a will can create issues and misunderstandings during the probate process. Having separate wills in the countries where you have assets is therefore the best method to prevent problems after your death.

If no will exists, the situation can become very complex for heirs. It is advisable to enlist the help of a specialist lawyer in Italy to manage the succession of Italian assets. If you would like more detailed information about the Italian succession process, you find our Guide to Italian Inheritance helpful.

If you own Italian assets or, you are a beneficiary of an Italian inheritance, it is always advisable to seek legal advice. A lawyer will be in a position to provide useful information about tax liabilities on Italian assets. In addition, a lawyer will also be able to provide information about the rights and responsibilities of an heir. An experienced legal professional will be able to provide advice based on a comprehensive inventory of the assets in question. This will allow you to make an informed decision on how best to proceed.

Finally …

If you own Italian assets don’t put off estate planning because they think you do not own enough, you are not old enough, it will be costly or confusing, you will have plenty of time to do it later, you do not know where to begin or who can help you, or you just do not want to think about it.

Estate planning should be an ongoing process, not a one-time event. You should review and update your plan as your family and circumstances change. This would include when you make an international investment such as a property purchase in Italy.

At De Tullio Law Firm, we have over 55 years of expertise managing cross border succession and estate planning matters throughout Italy. Our firm is also a full member of STEP, the world’s leading association for trust and estate practitioners.

Please contact us if you have any cross border inheritance questions or if would like to discuss your situation.

Italian Will. Why Is It Worth Drafting An Italian Will?

Why is it worthwhile making an Italian will?

If you own property in Italy, having an Italian will can prevent all sorts of difficulties for heirs when transferring ownership of an Italian property.

In Italy, the disposal of an estate occurs in compliance with the decisions of the testator as set out in an will. Or, where the deceased was intestate, in accordance with inheritance law.

in Italy, the law requires that a public notary authenticate a will before probate can begin.

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Although, generally speaking, Italy recognises the validity of international wills, they can raise a number of difficulties. As a matter of fact, a notary cannot publish or legalise documents in a foreign language until a court-sworn translator has translated them into Italian. This entails additional cost. It can also lead to misinterpretations of the testator’s wishes regarding disposal of an estate. Sorting out any misunderstandings may end up being another costly and lengthy matter.

It is also worth bearing in mind that having an Italian will can speed up  administrative procedures. For example, with banks. In Italy, accounts and deposits of the deceased are frozen following an account holder’s death. The procedure to access funds can be a difficult and protracted process. Heirs will have to pay certain expenses from their own pockets in the meantime.

In summary. The main advantages to making an Italian will are threefold

1. Reduces the risk of conflict among heirs.

2. Creates possible inheritance tax reductions for heirs.

3. Makes the decedent’s wishes clear to Italian authorities.

A competent legal advisor can help you draft a will that complies with EU Succession Regulations and Italian law. This limits the effects of legal succession in Italy and ensures that the estate is disposed of according to the testator’s wishes, without violating EU and Italian succession regulations.

Finally …

Inheritance is a complex matter. In addition, if you own assets in more than one country, this can further compound the complexity. We recommend you seek independent legal advice regarding your personal situation. If we can be of assistance, please get in touch.

For more information about succession and inheritance in Italy, you may find our Italian Succession Guide useful.

At De Tullio Law Firm, we have over 55 years of expertise managing cross border succession and estate planning matters. We are a full member of STEP, the world’s leading association for trust and estate practitioners.


You may also be interested in Legitimate Heirs. Rights of “Forced Heirs” in Italian Inheritance

Wills. Do You Have A Valid Will That Covers All Your Assets?

Are your affairs in order? Wills are important – especially if you own assets in more than one jurisdiction

The independent professional body for solicitors in England and Wales has warned that the consequences of dying without a valid will can be dire for those left behind. The research revealed that 73 per cent of 16-54 year olds don’t have wills. Whereas 64 per cent of people over the age of 55 have made their final wishes clear in a will.

The research also found that men are more likely to have a will and keep it updated than women.

Twenty-three per cent of respondents wrongly believed that without a will, their possessions would automatically go to their family.

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Dying intestate not only means your final wishes will probably go unheeded, but the financial and emotional mess is left for your loved ones to sort out. This need not be your final legacy.

Owning property in Italy adds to the complexity for heirs if you die intestate

If the deceased was resident in Italy at the time of death, Italian Inheritance law applies to the deceased’s worldwide assets.

If the deceased lived outside Italy, Italian inheritance law is only applicable to assets in Italy.

This means that foreign nationals with a second home in Italy are subject to international succession procedures.

Generally speaking, Italy recognises the validity of international wills. However, a will in a foreign language needs to be translated by a sworn translator before a notary can register and publish it. This involves cost, takes time and may lead to misinterpretation.

It is therefore advisable for non-Italian nationals who own assets in Italy to draft an Italian will to cover those assets.

Why should you have an Italian will for your assets in Italy?

Firstly, having an Italian will minimises misunderstandings and/or conflicts amongst heirs. Secondly, it facilitates legislative, linguistic and jurisdictional matters with the Italian authorities. Thirdly, having an Italian will can reduce estate tax and lastly, it simplifies the whole inheritance procedure.

Making a will is usually a relatively simple process but we urge people to use a qualified, insured solicitor because he or she will be able to spot cross-border nuances that could lead to trouble later on if not properly addressed.

You need to list all the assets that you would like to include in your Italian will . For example, Italian property, vehicles you keep in Italy, bank accounts and so on.

Estate planning should be an ongoing process, not a one-time event. You should review and update your will as your family and circumstances change. This would include when you make an international investment such as buying property in Italy.

EU Succession Regulations: choice of law in wills

EU Law 650/2012, also known as the Brussels IV Regulation came into effect on 17thAugust 2015. Brussels IV contains a provision for individuals to make an election in their wills for the country of their nationality, or where individuals have multiple nationalities any one of their nationalities, to apply to the devolution of their estate.

Interestingly, there are also potential benefits for non-EU nationals. However, again, appropriate action in the form of a choice of law clause in a will is necessary.
Nominating a country law needs careful consideration. You should take into account matters such as foreign matrimonial regimes, usufruct, tax consequences, joint ownership structures and other foreign proprietary rights with respect to your estate.

Finally …

Because each case is different, you should seek professional support and advice relating to wills.

At De Tullio Law Firm, we have over 55 years of expertise managing cross border succession and estate planning matters throughout Italy. Our firm is also a full member of STEP, the world’s leading association for trust and estate practitioners.

Please contact us if you have any questions about making an Italian will or if would like to discuss your situation.

You may also be interested in How to write an Italian Will.

To find out more about Italian inheritance, you might find our Guide to Italian Inheritance helpful.

Reverse Mortgage. Italian Equity Release Scheme

Reverse mortgages provide an alternative to selling an Italian property

In December 2015 the Italian Ministry of Economic Development introduced a reverse mortgage scheme. This is a form of equity release financing.

The reverse mortgage allows home owners over the age of 60 to convert part of the value of their property into cash. The property acts as security for the loan. The owner remains the legitimate owner and retains the right to live in the property.

A reverse mortgage therefore represents an alternative to selling the property. As with any other loan, when a home owner takes a reverse mortgage, it includes a repayment plan.

Another feature of the reverse mortgage regards interests, which can be refunded either at the time the loan expires or at fixed deadlines. If a borrower chooses the refund upon expiry formula, no sum is due to the bank during the term of the loan. A refund of interest payments and any related costs occur when the borrower dies.

The amount a borrower can release as equity depends on a borrower’s age. The older the borrower, the higher the percentage of equity release. In addition, the lender takes the value of the property to secure the loan into account.

Heirs inherit reverse mortgages

Should the property owner die before repaying the loan, the decedent’s heirs inherit the debt. In terms of repayment, heirs have three options.

1. Repay the debt to the bank to clear the reverse mortgage.

2. Sell the property.

3. Allow the lender to sell the property at market value.

If the property is sold at market value, the heirs have the right to recoup any difference between the sale price and the outstanding reverse mortgage. The  lender cannot ask heirs to repay the debt, if the property fails to sell.

Finally …

If you are need help with equity release in Italy, why not talk to us? De Tullio Law We have over 55 years of experience working with clients on their Italian and cross border property, family and inheritance matters. Get in touch.

You may also like our Guide To Selling Property in Italy. You may also like to watch our info videos about Italian property law.

Rent-Free Property Agreement: an Overview

A rent-free agreement is not for financial gain

Italian law defines a rent-free property agreement as a party lending an item they own to a borrower. The borrower may use the item for a given period of time or for a specific reason. The borrower then has the obligation to return the item to the lender. As the name implies, a rent-free agreement is not for financial gain.

Italian law does not restrict a rent-free agreements to property. Third parties might borrow all sorts of items.

For example, if you loan your a car or some gardening equipment to someone, this constitutes a rent-free property agreement. In general, it is not necessary for the agreement between the parties to be in writing. An oral agreement is legally valid.

Validity of rent-free property agreements

One of the most common examples of a rent-free property agreement pertains to a parent allowing a child to live for free in a property. And, as far as homes or properties are concerned, this type of agreement must be registered with the Italian tax authorities.

With respect to registered agreements, the 2016 Law of Stability has introduced a tax benefit. This takes the form of a 50% discount on IMU. However, the agreement is subject to three conditions. Firstly, the property must be the main residence of the occupier benefitting from the rent-free agreement. Secondly, there must be first degree kinship relationship between the parties of the contract (typically parents and children). Thirdly, the property owner can own only one additional property. The rent-free property and the other property must be in the same comune.

Other types of property rent agreements in Italy

A word about two other types of property rental agreements in Italy.

A free market agreement (contratto a libero mercato) allows the tenant and landlord to agree financial terms and conditions between themselves. This kind of rent agreement is valid for four years and renewable for an additional four-year period.

Then there is a convention agreement (contratto convenzionato). This is valid for three-year contract and has a two-year renewal option. However, the initial period can be increased to five years without a renewal option.

Finally …

We recognise that letting a property in Italy can be confusing and there are legal risks of allowing somebody into your property without an agreement. If you are planning to let an Italian property, you should always seek legal advice beforehand. we can draft a bi-lingual rental agreement for you. Likewise, if you are planning to have your land managed, you need to protect your rights.

De Tullio Law Firm has over 55 years experience of cross border and Italian property law.  We can negotiate appropriate rental agreements to meet your needs. We can also liaise between property owners and tenants. If you would like further clarifications regarding property rental, or want to discuss your situation, please contact us for a free consultation. We are here to help. 

You may also like to read about buy to rent in Italy.

Brussels IV: Cross-Border Inheritance Law

What is cross-border inheritance?

Cross-border inheritance laws determine which country handles an inheritance (known in legal terms as succession) and, which country’s national law will govern the inheritance. Cross-border inheritance applies if you live in a country which is not your country of origin or if you own assets in more than one country. Likewise, if you are a beneficiary or executor of a family member who lived in a different country from their country of origin when they died. EU Regulation 650/2012, also known as Brussels IV, came in to effect on 17th August 2015.

Brussels IV has implications for all nationals who reside in a participating EU Member State or who have a connection to a participating EU Member State.

Prior to the introduction of Brussels IV, each EU jurisdiction applied its own rules to govern the devolution of individuals’ property.

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In order to determine which country laws would apply to an estate, EU states considered various connecting factors. These included domicile, residence, nationality or habitual residence. In addition, in some EU states, applicable succession law depended whether the assets were immovable (property and land) or movable (bank accounts, vehicles, furniture, jewellery and so on).

The fact that each jurisdiction applied different connecting factors often led to costly, protracted and complex conflicts of laws.

Brussels IV simplifies cross-border inheritance matters

Since the 17th August 2015 however, participating EU States have harmonised succession rules. In an effort to simplify cross-border succession, the EU adopted a single, unified connecting factor – habitual residence.

Therefore, the law of the country where the individual was habitually resident at the time of death is the default position. This, regardless of the location of assets in the estate and, whether the assets are immovable or movable.

For example, if you are a British national but you are habitually resident in Italy, Brussels IV means that instead of your assets passing under the laws of England and Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland, Italian inheritance law will apply to your worldwide assets.

Furthermore, your estate will be subject to Italian forced heirship rules. Forced heirship rules are similar to UK Intestacy rules. However, forced heirship is applicable even if there is a will. The key point is that Italian forced heirship rules take precedence over a will.

In practice, this means that close family members inherit the deceased’s property regardless of the contents of the deceased’s will. This can often be in preference to the deceased’s spouse or partner. Sometimes, this creates conflicts within families who are unfamiliar with forced heirship cultures. Particularly  if the deceased had children from previous relationships. According to Italian forced heirship rules, these children must also inherit a share of their deceased parent’s estate.

Brussels IV provides an opportunity to elect a country law to apply to your succession

Brussels IV allows individuals to make an election for the country of their nationality to apply to the devolution of their entire estate. Or, where individuals have multiple nationalities, a testator may choose to apply one of these nationalities.

Testators do however need to take action. If you own a property in Italy, you can nominate a country law in your will. This is known as a Choice of Law codicil.

If you are in the process of making or reviewing your will, it is therefore worth considering including a properly drafted Choice of Law codicil to apply to cross-border inheritance. You need to carefully consider matters such as foreign matrimonial regimes, usufruct, tax consequences, joint ownership structures and other foreign proprietary rights with respect to your estate.

Another benefit of Brussels IV is the European Certificate of Succession (ECS). This allows heirs, legatees, executors of wills and administrators of the estate to prove their status. The certificate is then valid in all other EU Member States.

Brussels IV also provides potential benefits for non-EU nationals

Interestingly, there are also potential benefits for non-EU nationals resident in an EU Member State. Again, you need to make an appropriate Choice of Law in your will. For example, US nationals could nominate US law to apply to the succession of their property in Italy. An Australian with property in Spain could nominate Australian law. A Canadian citizen with property in France could elect Canadian law, and so on.

Finally …

Cross-border inheritance law is a complex matter. We recommend you seek independent legal advice regarding your personal situation.

For more information about Italian succession and inheritance, you may find our Italian Succession Guide useful.

At De Tullio Law Firm, we have over 55 years of expertise managing cross border succession and estate planning matters throughout Italy. We are a full member of STEP, the world’s leading association for trust and estate practitioners. If we can be of assistance, please get in touch.